Wildlife Safari in Manas National Park: Discovering Assam’s Biodiversity Hotspot


Embark on an exhilarating wildlife safari in the heart of Assam’s natural treasure, Manas National Park. Nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas, this biodiverse hotspot is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. In this blog post, we will explore the wonders of Manas National Park, its rich biodiversity, and the thrilling experiences that await you on a wildlife safari.

Introduction to Manas National Park:

Introduce readers to Manas National Park, its location, and its significance as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Highlight the park’s diverse ecosystem, ranging from dense forests to grasslands and riverine habitats. Emphasize its importance as a crucial conservation area for numerous endangered species.

Manas National Park

Manas National Park Assam

Manas National Park is a national park, Project Tiger reserve, and an elephant reserve in Assam, India. Located in the Himalayan foothills, it borders the Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan. The park is known for its rare and endangered endemic wildlife such as the Assam roofed turtle, hispid hare, golden langur and pygmy hog. Manas is also famous for its population of the wild water buffalo.

Assam roofed turtle

  • Because of its exceptional biodiversity, scenery, and variety of habitats, Manas National Park is a biosphere reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The park was declared a sanctuary on 1 October 1928 with an area of 360 km2 (140 sq mi). Manas bio reserve was created in 1973. Prior to the declaration of the sanctuary, it was a reserved forest called Manas R.F. and North Kamrup R.F. It was used by the Cooch Behar royal family and Raja of Gauripur as a hunting reserve. In 1951 and 1955, the area was increased to 391 km2 (151 sq mi). It was declared a World Heritage Site in December 1985 by UNESCO. Kahitama R.F. the Kokilabari R.F. and the Panbari R.F. were added in the year 1990 to form the Manas National Park.
  • Manas National Park is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including over 300 species of birds, 50 species of mammals, and 450 species of plants. Some of the rare and endangered species found in the park include the Asian elephant, the Royal Bengal tiger, the pygmy hog, the hispid hare, the Assam roofed turtle, and the golden langur.
  • The park is also home to a number of tribal communities, including the Bodo, the Mishing, and the Rabha. These communities have a rich culture and heritage, and they play an important role in the conservation of the park.
  • Manas National Park is a popular tourist destination, and it is home to a number of eco-tourism lodges and resorts. The park is also a popular destination for birdwatchers and wildlife photographers.

Biodiversity at Its Best:

Delve into the remarkable biodiversity that thrives within Manas National Park. Highlight the park’s impressive range of fauna, including the majestic Bengal tiger, one-horned rhinoceros, Indian elephant, clouded leopard, golden langur, and over 450 species of birds. Showcase the park’s contribution to the preservation of these species and its role in ecological balance.

Thrilling Wildlife Safari:

Guide readers through the thrilling experience of a wildlife safari in Manas National Park. Discuss the different safari options available, such as jeep safaris and elephant safaris, and highlight the best times to visit for optimal wildlife sightings. Provide tips for wildlife photography enthusiasts to capture stunning moments in the wild.

Wildlife Safari in Manas National Park

  • Embark on a thrilling wildlife safari in Manas National Park, located in the state of Assam, to discover the incredible biodiversity hotspot it is. Here’s a glimpse into what you can expect:
  • Manas National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its rich wildlife and stunning landscapes. It is nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas and is known for its diverse flora and fauna. The park is home to several endangered and rare species, making it a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • During your wildlife safari in Manas National Park, you can spot a wide range of animals, including the majestic Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, one-horned rhinoceros, clouded leopard, golden langur, capped langur, and the elusive Assam roofed turtle. The park is also a haven for birdwatchers, with over 450 species of birds recorded, including the endangered Bengal florican, great hornbill, and white-winged wood duck.
  • The safari experience in Manas National Park allows you to explore the park’s diverse ecosystems, including grasslands, wetlands, and dense forests. You can opt for jeep safaris or elephant safaris, accompanied by experienced guides who will provide insights into the park’s flora, fauna, and conservation efforts.
  • Apart from wildlife sightings, Manas National Park offers breathtaking natural beauty. The park is crisscrossed by the Manas River, which adds to the charm of the landscape. The lush greenery, picturesque hills, and cascading waterfalls create a serene and tranquil ambiance.
  • It is important to note that Manas National Park is a protected area, and conservation efforts are in place to preserve its unique biodiversity. Visitors are expected to follow ethical and responsible tourism practices, respecting the park’s rules and regulations.
  • A wildlife safari in Manas National Park is an unforgettable experience that allows you to witness the wonders of Assam’s biodiversity hotspot. It offers a chance to connect with nature, appreciate its beauty, and contribute to the conservation of this remarkable ecosystem.

manas national park

Notable Attractions and Landscapes:

Highlight the park’s scenic beauty and notable attractions. Discuss the mesmerizing landscapes, picturesque rivers, and breathtaking waterfalls that adorn the park. Mention iconic landmarks such as the Manas River, the mythical Manas Mahatma temple, and the mystical beauty of the Bhutan border that lies adjacent to the park.

Conservation Efforts and Success Stories:

Shed light on the conservation efforts undertaken in Manas National Park, including the rehabilitation of the park’s flora and fauna after years of conflict. Discuss success stories, such as the recovery of the Bengal tiger and the reintroduction of the Great Indian One-horned Rhinoceros. Emphasize the importance of community involvement and the park’s role in sustainable eco-tourism.

Responsible Tourism and Visitor Guidelines:

Promote responsible tourism practices by providing visitors with guidelines to minimize their impact on the environment and wildlife. Encourage ethical behavior, such as maintaining a safe distance from animals and respecting the park’s rules and regulations. Advocate for supporting local communities and eco-friendly accommodations near the park.


A wildlife safari in Manas National Park is a gateway to exploring the incredible biodiversity and natural wonders of Assam. From encountering majestic tigers and rhinoceroses to witnessing the vibrant birdlife and breathtaking landscapes, this biodiverse hotspot offers an unforgettable experience. By visiting Manas National Park responsibly, you contribute to its conservation efforts and support the region’s sustainable development. Plan your wildlife safari adventure and immerse yourself in the unparalleled beauty of Assam’s biodiversity hotspot.


  • Q: What are the best times to visit Manas National Park?

    The best time to visit Manas National Park is during the dry season, which is from November to April. The weather is pleasant during these months, and the trails are less crowded.

  • : What are the different types of wildlife that can be seen in Manas National Park?

    Manas National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including over 300 species of birds, 50 species of mammals, and 450 species of plants. Some of the rare and endangered species found in the park include the Asian elephant, the Royal Bengal tiger, the pygmy hog, the hispid hare, the Assam roofed turtle, and the golden langur.

    Asian elephant

  • Q: How can I get to Manas National Park?

    The nearest airport to Manas National Park is the Guwahati Airport. From the airport, you can take a taxi or bus to the town of Barpeta Road. From Barpeta Road, you can take a jeep or bus to the park entrance.

  • Q: What are the facilities available at Manas National Park?

    There are a number of eco-tourism lodges and resorts located near Manas National Park. These lodges offer a variety of accommodation options, including tents, cottages, and dormitories. The lodges also offer a variety of activities, such as elephant safaris, nature walks, and birdwatching.

  • Q: What are the rules and regulations for visiting Manas National Park?

    There are a number of rules and regulations for visiting Manas National Park. These rules and regulations are designed to protect the park’s wildlife and environment. Visitors must obtain a permit from the park authorities before entering the park. Visitors are also required to follow a set of guidelines, such as staying on designated trails and not feeding the wildlife.

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